2011年4月6日 星期三

Commissioner calls on the review of the safety of children

Arthur FreemanArthur Freeman leaves the Court after the guilty verdict. Image: Craig Borrow sources: Australian

Protocols for child safety in custody disputes should be reviewed urgently so that Darcey Freeman four year-old did not die in vain, Victoria's Child safety Commissioner says.

Psychologist child was added, that Darcey by brothers encountered "nieporownywalnie a long road ahead as grappled with the circumstances of their sister murder.

Darcey his father Arthur Phillip Freeman, 37, asked the young girl to her death with Melbourne in the West Gate Bridge, 29 January 2009 and was convicted of her murder yesterday.

Freeman previously participated in pre-trial negotiations with his wife access to Darcey and its two brothers in the months before her murder.

Victoria's Child safety Commissioner Bernie Geary said today he had reviewed Darcey in the case of parent and child protection bodies found were not informed family owned concerns for Darcey its safety.

He said his report recommended "review and improvement of the" protocols between the courts and other specialists, where there are concerns about the safety of the child.

"The protection of children, DHS (Department of Human Services), has not been notified of this special situation," said Mr. Geary.

"That's what I mean, I think, to ensure that the Protocol is in place. That there is liability on persons who have information available to them, which indicates that the child is at risk, which must be transmitted to the competent authorities, regardless of who they are. "

In the days after her murder Darcey his uncle Tim Barnes released a statement saying the judicial system failed to their families.

He said two years "of the various authorities," he said, but did not have listened to concerns about the safety of children family Freeman. "Many of the judicial system failed, our family and will still fails other families, until someone in authority will begin to take action," the statement said.

Mr. Geary said, everyone in the court system should have the obligation to provide information on the issue of the protection of children to the authorities.

The Commissioner has said he is not saying anyone was at fault in the case of Darcey's but hope the system can do his best for the children at risk.

"I'm hoping, as a result, more vigilance and that we look at exactly that in, say, a system of responsibility in these areas, and argue that everyone should have."

Gave his recommendations to the Government of Victorian and believes they should be looked at urgently.

"I don't want to be blaming the people," said Mr. Geary.

"I think that there are too many people grieving here now, of course, but I Think that this is a chance for the community and to look for ways to trade a herd in which we can better protect children."

The child was a psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg said Darcey his brothers, Ben and Jack, faced a difficult task in dealing with the death of their sister.

Both boys were in the car on the bridge, when Darcey was killed.

Dr. Carr-Gregg says boys faced many challenges and attachment can trust adults.

"Everybody knows who they are, so that the law is to be the first thing anyone considers each time you meet them," he said today.

"These children have the will to fight in their own minds about how someone who should be making love can do something like that."

He said, advising hopefully pose a large difference to how they used their sister's death.

"But, this is a big load going to childhood with."

Relations hearing for Freeman held before Paul Coghlan in the Victorian Supreme Court Justice on Friday.


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