2011年4月30日 星期六

Chinese Family Law Review child custody

A major shakeup of the family law is currently in China, where a new proposal calling for a revision of the children's custody procedures after a parent. This proposal has been caused by an also happened in 2008. Chinese actress Choi Jin-sil had sole custody of their two male children. in 2008, she Committed suicide. Jun-sil's mother didn't want the boys ' father gaining custody of the children insist that he was nothing more to take care of them when he had been denied any guerrillas in the past. This led to a revision of the children's custody cases in China where the parent with sole custody dies.

There are currently no provisions for taking care of the child after the parent with sole custody goes away. That is all changing. On Tuesday 2 February sent a revision of the law which says that the surviving parent must be evaluated by the Court before they are granted full custody of the Cabinet. After it has been ratified by the national Assembly will enter into force three months from that date.

If the national Assembly ratify the revision of the family law, it means that all parents who want to take care of their children will be evaluated by the Court to verify their ability to do so. If they are deemed inappropriate for any reason, moving the child into the custody of another guardian. This will be, if possible, a close relative or someone the child knows and trusts. It has not been made clear who will have custody of the child if the surviving parent denied custody and there is no other alternative guardians.

Author Mark Woodcock is a Webmaster for a variety of websites including some legal websites. For more information about family law website raleys Solicitors family law. Http://www.raleyssolicitors.com go to today.

