2011年4月3日 星期日

Child custody proceedings and the question of custody laws

It is a common factor in all custody laws, searching for the best interests of the child. But what exactly is best for the child?? Who knows what is best for children?

All child custody disputes is the ultimate goal of providing support and education of minor children after divorce or separation. A divorce or separation does not stop the parents ' obligations towards their children.? Parents have an obligation to provide support and education of their children even after a separation or divorce.? Back at the beginning of the 18th century where the queue to solve a child custody controversy.? Today is the parent queue is no longer the most important factor in the award of child custody and visitation rights. The fact is that today there is no such thing as a key factor when choosing child custody cases.? The current trend is for the courts to look at the child custody controversy on a case by case basis.? There are many factors to be considered.

Most people believe that the economic situation of each parent is more likely to be a decisive factor when child custody cases today.? At least in theory, this is not entirely correct.? The child's relationship with each parent, siblings and other family relatives, the time that the parent will spend with minor, reliance minor has on parent and circumstances of the parent's place of residence and many other aspects taken into account by the judges for the award of child custody and visitation rights.? In considering all these factors, have both parents be given the same considerations.? However, in cases where the child is communicating a preference, his or her request must also be taken into account.? This does not apply to small children, generally, children 10 years old or older.? The older the child is more weight will judge gives his or her wishes when determining which parent will be granted with the child's custody.? The child's wishes, but not the only factor taken into account.

The best interests of the child can be any expression that apparently interpreted in many ways.? Through the years, has the family courts up various measures to base this determination on the facts, rather as if the preconceptions, biases or prejudices.? Less space is given to the judges as the new child custody laws adopted and landmark cases parent become public.

Family courts provide today a procedure involving a social inquiry as part of a contested divorce cases.? This study, usually performed by a social worker means a study of all the circumstances relating to the child's way of life.? In some cases, the Court may order a psychological evaluation of the child and the parents.? In addition, the family courts are now empowered to request from the applicant is a full disclosure of its finances under oath.? These are some of the measures implemented by the time of the divorce and child custody aims of the primary objective: to ensure the protection of the best interests of the child.

Learn how to prepare for custody court and read more about the child custody laws that will affect your case.

