2011年6月16日 星期四

Domestic Violence and Why It Must Never Happen

One out of 3 women around the world has been abused at least once in her lifetime and most often the abuser is a member of her own family, studies reveal. Because of its common occurrence, domestic violence may already be perceived as an acceptable phenomenon in several homes. Nonetheless, the prevalence of these occurrences is a clear indication that domestic violence is one of the crucial issues that must be taken seriously by the society.

Domestic Violence Defined

When people think of 'domestic violence', they typically associate it with the physical abusive actions that a person does towards a partner such as hitting, slapping and choking. However, the term actually refers to abuse which comes in several other forms.

Domestic violence refers to actions that cause physical, emotional, mental, sexual and/or financial injury to a person, particularly an intimate partner in a relationship. Physically harmless acts like name-calling, humiliation and putting partner down are forms of domestic violence as well because these can be emotionally and psychologically detrimental to the victim. Domestic violence can also be sexual such as forcing an unwanted sex from a partner, as well as financial, which includes keeping a partner from getting a job and depriving a partner of access to money.

Busting Myths

Having fights in relationships is normal. Fights are actually necessary because these strengthen the bond between or among people in a relationship. However, if these fights result to the injury, or worst case scenario, death of another person, then these are never acceptable and must be taken action on.

Domestic violence does not only refer to the violence that exists among married couples as it can happen in any kind of intimate relationship. Additionally, women are usually the victims; however, it can also be the other way around. There have been instances when the man is the one abused, although there are only few reported incidents of these.

Effects on Children

Children who are part of families experiencing domestic violence may not seem aware of the violence, but they actually are. As they grow, they are likely to be abused and neglected as well. The abuse that these children have witnessed or even experienced early in life may possibly even have long-term effects.

Studies show that these children may become withdrawn, and have low self-esteem and stress-related problems. Consequently, they may have difficulty in school and in interactions with other people. As young adults, they may internalize the abuse that they have seen, thus are likely to exhibit violent and rebellious behaviour. It is said that one-fifth to one-third of these teenagers who are involved in dating relationships are also regularly abusing or being abused by their partners verbally, mentally, emotionally, sexually, or physically.

What Should Be Done

Domestic violence chooses no one. Anyone from any race, culture, age and gender can be a victim. Abusers, on the other hand, are usually people with low self-esteem who resort to harmful actions in order to control their partners. Abusers may blame factors such as alcohol and drugs, and may even appear to be needing treatment with medications and medical instruments; however, domestic violence is an intentional feat and the mentioned factors are only mere excuses for them to not be held accountable for their actions.

Many people believe that when domestic violence happens, the solution is easy: leave. However, there are several reasons why some victims of domestic violence do not do this. Leaving may just be the most crucial and the most dangerous time in a relationship experiencing abuse, and there seems countless of reasons for not doing this. Usually, however, victims do not to leave their abusers because they depend on their abusers for support in one way or another. Victims in some families also choose not to leave to keep the family complete.

If you are a victim and you would want to leave but are having a difficulty to, then do not hesitate to tell other people. Or, you yourself may take action: get some help and call the police. No incident should result to anyone getting treated with medications and medical instruments because of abuse. Domestic violence may already seem like a normal and acceptable occurrence in several homes, but it is important to remember that it is must not be and that it must not happen at all to anybody.

As a physician, Sarah Kerr prefers using colorful medical instruments which in a way emanate an optimistic clinical vibe.

