2011年6月8日 星期三

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is sometimes referred to as domestic abuse or spousal abuse. It occurs when a family member, partner or ex- partner attempts to physically or psychologically dominate each other. Typically, victims of domestic violence are women and children.

Domestic violence is never acceptable no matter what the reason is. If you think you are a victim of domestic violence, read on. This article will tell you more about it.

Signs of domestic violence

1) Over possessiveness. The abuser always wants to be with the victim. You feel controlled and your partner always wants to know about your whereabouts.

2) Whirlwind romance. At one moment, your partner is in a good mood and at another moment your partner gets angry and agitated over the smallest things.

3) Over jealousy. Your partner gets jealous over the simplest things and get abusive.

Domestic violence is a serious matter. It should not be taken lightly. If you think you are a victim of domestic violence, seek a counselor's advice or talk to a family member. You should be prepared to report him to the authorities if you are really a victim of domestic abuse.

If you are already a victim of one and you have not reported the abuser, you are just doing serious damage to yourself. You have to understand that you deserve to lead a proper life without anyone controlling you physically, mentally or even financially. You have every right to do what you want. And if the abuser is hitting you and causing you harm, it is batter that you report him now. It is never too late to report him to the authorities.

All humans should be treated equally. People that are involved in abusive relationships in their homes are most likely to engage in risky behaviors. Some victims cannot handle the abuse that they tend to take their own lives. In less extreme cases, some turn to drugs and alcohol.

If you know you are a victim of domestic violence, do yourself a favour. Report the abuser to the authorities. Being a victim of domestic can cause long term effects. The faster you take action the safer you will be. It is also important that the victim seek medical attention receive proper treatment.

Domestic violence should not happen at home but unfortunately women are usually the ones getting hurt. Learning self-defense can help. Find out more about self-defense for women at this website ==> http://www.selfdefense4women.net/

