2011年6月16日 星期四

Seeking Help to End Domestic Violence - Domestic Violence Awareness

Many women who find Domestic violence is a situation that no one should ever have to endure. themselves on the receiving end of domestic violence often want to remove themselves from the situation, but the fear of the unknown is simply larger than the fear of the next episode of abuse. Unfortunately, many women have suffered one type of abuse or another as a child and teenager. By the time that these women emerge into adulthood, physical and mental abuse almost seems like a way of life. If you are one of the women that suffer at the hand of another, you know exactly what I mean. If you decide, however, that you want to break yourself away from the disheartening and devastating effects of domestic violence, there is hope....

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is most commonly associated with spousal abuse; however, there are several different types of domestic violence that are becoming more recognized. Ultimately, this occurs when an individual attempts to gain complete control over someone that they share a relationship with. It is all about power, and the satisfaction of knowing that they have that power when it comes to defining the reasoning that an abuser would do this to someone. While many abusers will rationalize the abuse and claim that they felt as if they had no control, this is actually a choice that is rather deliberate.

What Types of Domestic Violence Abusers Are There?

There are many different types of domestic violence abusers. The type of violence will be determined by the ways that the abuser uses to gain control over another person. Some of these ways include:

1. Isolation - Individuals who are controlled in this manner are kept away from everyone and everything. They often feel as if they are completely cut off from the world. In all actuality, they really are.

2. Dominance - The abuser that expresses his control in a dominant manner will often control the finances of the home. They may also demand that you do one thing or another, and expect you to immediately correspond with the expressed command.

3. Threats - Many individuals who abuse others will use threats as a form of intimidation. These threats may include physically hurting you and others, your loved ones and event letting you know that whatever you choose will result in severe consequences.

As you can see, there are many different types of personality behaviors when it comes to different types of abusers. The previously mentioned types are just a small list of the many tactics and behaviors that may be used when it comes to domestic violence.

Types of Domestic Abuse

There are many different types of domestic abuse. There are many who will suffer from just one type while another may suffer from a little bit of everything. Below are the types of abuse that may be experienced:

1. Physical Abuse - This includes the use of force that actually injures another person, and/or an act that completely puts the receiving party in danger. When the individual is threatened, this is considered to be a crime if the person experiences threat as a result of that injury. If someone goes beyond physical threats and touches another, this is considered to be battery. Samples of battery may include choking, pushing, hitting, and so on.

2. Emotional Abuse - This type of abuse is another common domestic complication. This type of abuse includes activities like isolation, blaming, guilt, and several other emotions that eventually wear down the defenses of the mind on the whole.

3. Sexual Abuse - This includes any and all unwelcomed sexual advances, being forced into having sex, and being made to be quite uncomfortable.

4. Economic Abuse - This occurs when things of a financial manner become complications in the home. Many of these individuals will horde all of the money, credit cards, bank accounts, etc....Then, there are situations in which the abuser will get angry if you are not working, and you are forced to work tremendous hours in order to support the family while the abuser sits by entertaining themselves. If you fail to do as commanded, you are beat terribly or suffer some other complications.

Signs of Domestic Violence

There are a number of signs to look out for if you feel as if someone is being abused. Please note that this is only a small list of sample signs:

1. Many victims will isolate themselves from the "outside" world when they are being abused.

2. In a lot of cases, there are injuries that are sustained and the abuser that gave them to you will attempt to come up with some story that veers away from the abuse.

3. Many will suffer when it comes to their work productivity and passion for work.


As you read this article, there is a woman in the world being held at the hands of her abuser. She is getting punched so hard in the face that you can almost feel it. She is being slapped, spit on, pushed, and maybe even being hospitalized right now. Yes, it is a sad situation. You can help make a difference in the lives of the abused. You should learn all that you can about the topic and then work to make a difference. We all deserve some freedom and peace... right?

Resource info for Domestic Violence Awareness:


The no cost Self defense Instruction for women online is not Karate Training, and you don't have to be a black belt to defend yourself. The goal is to help you develop a successful plan now, before something happens...or before something happens again!


Be safe and you won't be sorry. By Bill Valentine, Self Defense Coach

