2011年6月30日 星期四

Help Your Domestic Violence Attorney Build a Solid Case

When you hire a domestic violence attorney, don't expect him to build your defense all alone. There are steps you can take to help the process go more smoothly. Keep in mind that a conviction of domestic violence can render serious consequences, including prison time. And by legal definition, domestic violence isn't always just limited to physical abuse. It can also be defined as psychological and emotional abuse. So what you say and how you say it when around your accuser can make a difference moving forward, regardless of what has happened in the past.

Be Totally Honest

It's important that you be totally honest with your domestic violence lawyer. If you did the crime, you should tell your attorney what you did and how and why you did it. He can only move forward and build a strong case if he has all the facts up front. Make every effort to reveal all known facts in the beginning, and be sure to tell your lawyer if the act was in self-defense. For instance, if the accuser tried to hit you with an object and you hit back in self-defense, this could change the outcome of your case dramatically.

Disclose Drug or Alcohol Us

If you have a substance abuse problem, which may have led to your abusive behavior, don't hesitate to disclose this to your attorney. Make every effort to get help by attending substance abuse classes or by seeing a counselor. Making an effort to overcome your problem may help a judge look favorably on your case.

Seek to Mend Relationships

Making an effort to mend the relationship with the accuser and/or any relatives involved might be helpful. Sometimes this is all it takes to get charges dropped. Be truly regretful for any harm you caused and apologize to every person involved. If you have shown a pattern of abuse with multiple incidences, let them know you are willing to seek help for your problem. If it only happened once due to stress and loss of temper, then let them know you will take measures to ensure it won't happen again.

Keep Accurate Records

Make sure you keep a journal of events from the time you're accused until your day in court. Write notes about every conversation you have with the accuser or her family/friends. Keep records of any meetings, paperwork, etc. related to your case. This will help your domestic violence attorney build a solid defense without having to backtrack.

Keep Your Obligations

If you are obligated to pay alimony, child support, or have visits with your children, then be sure to keep all your obligations. You might be tempted to drop everything when accused of domestic violence, but this will only add to the problem. Show that you are continuing to be responsible despite the circumstances.

Discredit a False Accuser

If falsely accused, find ways to discredit your accuser as a witness. Note any inconsistencies in statements or any inaccuracy in her recount of events. If other witnesses are involved, do the same. One lie leads to another, and judges can often see through the lies when someone is on the witness stand. But don't take this for granted. Approach every question and answer session with much scrutiny. Your lawyer should do the same, but you are the only one who knows the truth first-hand and the events exactly as they happened.

Don't Incriminate Yourself

A domestic violence lawyer can only help you if you don't incriminate yourself. Have your lawyer present at all interviews and examinations. Don't allow yourself to be cornered by social workers or anyone else without a lawyer. If you are innocent of the crime, then maintain your innocence from start to finish. Don't plea bargain or admit to something you didn't do just so a judge will "go easy" on you. Keep the future in mind, and how it might affect your life and family in the long run.

If you haven't found a good lawyer yet, consider using the Web for your search. Many reputable attorneys have a website that explains their services in detail along with their credentials and track record. Use key phrases in search engines that are related to your state and/or city, such as "Miami Florida domestic violence attorney" if you live in Miami. This will narrow your search to those serving your local area.

Use these tips to help your attorney give you the best possible defense!

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Learn more about Domestic Violence Attorney.

